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Head and shoulders shot of a light-skinned Nishnabe woman with many freckles. She has teal and brown hair in two low braids,  purple and teal cat-eye glasses, large beaded rocketship-shaped earrings, and a black henley shirt.

Kat Allen (she/her) is a PhD Candidate at Tufts University.   She holds a SB in Aerospace Engineering with Information Technology (XVI-2) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a joint MS in Human-Robot Interaction and Mechanical Engineering from Tufts University.


She builds collaborative robots that work interdependently with humans to do what neither could do alone.  Her work makes informal engineering education (such as makerspaces) more accessible, so that everyone can build what they imagine.  Her research draws from the areas of robotics, control systems, machine learning, and cognitive science, as well as disability justice and culturally-responsive education.

She is advised by Elaine Short (AABL Lab) and Chris Rogers (FETLab of the CEEO)

A 3-armed brachiating robot is viewed from above, with its center 3-fingered hand on the front, partial bar, and its two back 3-fingered grippers on a full bar in the bottom of the image.  It is made of brightly-colored PLA suggesting 3D printing, and wires and motors are visible suggesting a prototype.
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Two robots are viewed in front of a whiteboard suggesting a laboratory setting.  The robot on the right side of the image is powered off, but the robot on the left is on, with its low-fi LED face smiling while it holds a 2 lb handweight out in its 7DoF arm. The robot is about 1.2 m tall.

© 2021 by Kat Allen. Created with

Email me at Kat dot allen at tufts dot edu

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